Spiritual Guidance with Corazon Fuerte


As a spiritual advisor and healer, Corazon empowers you to embrace your true potential, align with your passions, and design a purposeful plan to achieve your aspirations. Her expert guidance equips you with the tools and insights to excel in your unique journey.
Empower Your Journey

Meet Strongheart: Your Spiritual Advisor

Strongheart alchemizes her 30 years of top-spa massage experience with awakened spiritual gifts and healing abilities to support and guide individuals in clearing and releasing trauma held on a cellular level.

Strongheart pours her incredible light through a variety of modalities. Her unique Shamanic Healing Massage was born of 3 decades as a top-spa massage therapist and her full (and intense) awakening allows her to see across dimensions and timelines, speak with spirit guides/angels, see colors and blocks in the body from past and current traumas or physical injury. She offers these same gifts for readings and spiritual ministry, and many of her bodywork clients continue on with her as a spiritual guide and energy healer. Her light will leave you cleansed and uplifted and probably laughing too!
My services

Transformative Healing Services by Corazon

Spiritual Guidance
Mt. Shasta Tours
Spiritual Guidance
Speaker & Writer
Shamanic Bodywork & Massage
60 | 90 | 120 min Sessions
In my office or your location.
Pricing varies, based on session.
Energy Work & Clearings
Strongheart can identify & release blocks, unreleased trauma, dense energies/entities in your home/work environment and your body.
Write your awesome label here.

About Corazon

I was born with healing abilities that increased greatly as a result of my intense awakening experience. I get out of the way of God/Creator/Source and allow the love and energies to flow through me assisting individuals in their healing.

I am a massage therapist and energy worker specializing in clearing attachments. I have been doing space clearings for 56 years.
Blessed with the ability of sight beyond sight, I have dedicated my life to serving humanity, this planet and the multiverse. I also assist globally helping individuals integrate and navigate their awakening experiences.

I'm here to help and look forward to assisting you as needed!

What Others Are Saying About Corazon

#is unexpected | #is awesome | #has quality services | #saved my life | #is the best

Receiving a healing massage from Strongheart is truly a gift on many levels.

She brings forth healing from past lives and this life. You know and feel the release of the "healing in the making". 
Shakti Botazzi
Many synchronicities led me to her. Corazon reincarnated on this planet to change paradigms and be of service to humanity as a gentle spirit. The most grounded medicine person I have met so far!
Jose Muñoz
Strongheart is a transformative bodyworker and healer.
I always feel integrated after a session with her.
Doshi Richard Van Donk
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